Tienda – IVOLABS Productos químicos y medicamentos de Europa Mon, 17 Jun 2024 22:07:38 +0000 es por hora 1 Tienda – IVOLABS 32 32 IC-26 Methiodone EU Thu, 18 Apr 2024 09:08:18 +0000 Discover IC-26 Methiodone

IC-26 Methiodone is a pioneering research chemical in the opioid category, offering significant pain relief with a reduced risk of dependency. Its unique interaction with mu-opioid receptors delivers effective analgesia and sedation, making it a prime candidate for both medical research and therapeutic applications. Explore the potential of IC-26 to revolutionize pain management protocols.

IC-26/strong> and all other synthetic opioids sold on this website are intended for research and forensic applications. This like all the products from EU RC are shipped by express mail without tracking number, to European countries ONLY.]]> 0
MD-Prolitane EU Thu, 18 Apr 2024 08:57:52 +0000 Boost Your Brain with MD-Prolitane Step up your game with MD-Prolitane, the premium stimulant that delivers sharp mental focus and sustained energy. Tailored for high-performance individuals, it offers a smooth boost to help you conquer your daily challenges and achieve your peak potential. Feel the difference with a stimulant that not only promotes wakefulness but also enhances your overall mood, providing a balanced and effective enhancement of both mind and body. This like all the products from EU RC are shipped by express mail without tracking number, to European countries ONLY.]]> 0 Cychlorphine HCl EU Fri, 12 Apr 2024 07:40:33 +0000 Cychlorphine is an innovative benzimidazolone-based opioid, known for its exceptional potency, about four times stronger than fentanyl. This research chemical, with its profound efficacy at mu-opioid receptors, is primarily used for scientific studies aimed at understanding pain mechanisms and developing new analgesics.

For a safer and easier research this product is available also as e-Liquid: Cychlorphine/strong> and all other synthetic opioids sold on this website are intended for research and forensic applications. This like all the products from EU RC are shipped on Tuesday by express mail without tracking number, to European countries ONLY.]]> 0
CL-218,872 EU Wed, 21 Feb 2024 03:34:50 +0000 CL-218,872: A New Horizon in Sedative-Hypnotic Therapy

Discover CL-218,872

Introducing CL-218,872, a groundbreaking sedative-hypnotic compound designed to tackle insomnia and anxiety without the common drawbacks of traditional treatments. This innovative molecule offers a new approach to calming the mind and body, ensuring a peaceful night's sleep and a serene state of mind.

Why CL-218,872?

  • Targeted Action: Precisely modulates the GABA A receptor for effective relief.
  • Safer Profile: Minimizes risk of dependence and cognitive side effects.
  • Quick Relief: Fast-acting formula to swiftly ease your symptoms.

Embrace a new standard in anxiety and insomnia treatment with CL-218,872—where safety meets efficacy.

This like all the products from EU RC are shipped by express mail without tracking number, to European countries ONLY.]]> 1
Avizafone EU Tue, 20 Feb 2024 07:12:14 +0000 Avizafone: Rapid Relief for Anxiety and Seizures

Avizafone: Fast-Acting Anxiety and Seizure Control

Avizafone is your go-to solution for immediate relief from anxiety, seizures, and muscle spasms. As a prodrug of diazepam, it transforms into the trusted sedative upon entering your bloodstream, ensuring rapid and effective relief. Perfect for emergency situations, Avizafone acts quickly to calm the nervous system, providing a serene state of mind and body without the wait.

Experience the Benefits: Avizafone delivers swift anxiolytic and anticonvulsant effects, making it ideal for acute interventions. Its unique formulation allows for faster bioavailability, offering peace of mind when you need it most.

This like all the products from EU RC are shipped by express mail without tracking number, to European countries ONLY.]]> 0
5-APB EU Mon, 19 Feb 2024 04:23:10 +0000 Embrace the World Through the Lens of 5-APB

Step into a realm of heightened emotions and sensory exploration with 5-APB, a compound that dissolves barriers to empathy and understanding. Ideal for those on a quest for deeper interpersonal connections and self-discovery, 5-APB offers a unique perspective on the beauty of human experience.

By fostering a sense of warmth and connection, while gently nudging the boundaries of perception, 5-APB serves as a guide on a journey of emotional and sensory exploration. It's a tool for those looking to enrich their social experiences and deepen their understanding of the mind's inner workings.

Unlock new dimensions of empathy and connection with 5-APB.

This like all the products from EU RC are shipped by express mail without tracking number, to European countries ONLY.]]> 0
MDPiHP EU Mon, 19 Feb 2024 03:42:35 +0000 MDPiHP: An Insight into Synthetic Cathinones

MDPiHP stands at the frontier of psychoactive research, offering a unique lens through which to study the effects of synthetic cathinones on the human brain and body. With its potent stimulant properties, MDPiHP serves as a critical tool for researchers delving into the complexities of neurotransmitter regulation and psychoactive substance impact.

This compound's relevance extends beyond mere stimulation, opening avenues for understanding dependency, neurotoxicity, and the balance between therapeutic potential and risk. Important: MDPiHP is strictly for scientific research and must be handled with utmost care and adherence to safety protocols.

This like all the products from EU RC are shipped by express mail without tracking number, to European countries ONLY.]]> 0
N-Desetilisotonitazeno HCL UE Thu, 11 Jan 2024 04:51:35 +0000
N-Desethylisotonitazene is a cutting-edge synthetic opioid, part of the benzimidazole class, known for its potent analgesic properties. It mirrors the effects of its parent compound, etonitazene, providing profound pain relief and sedative effects. However, it comes with a significant risk for addiction and overdose, necessitating cautious and informed use.
For a safer and easier research this product is available also as e-Liquid:
N-Desethylisotonitazene HCl and all other synthetic opioids sold on this website are intended for research and forensic applications. This like all the products from EU RC are shipped on Tuesday by express mail without tracking number, to European countries ONLY.]]> 0
Bromazolam UE Lun, 16 Oct 2023 07:20:50 +0000 Discover Bromazolam Explore the world of Bromazolam, a potent benzodiazepine with potential applications in research and more.

Key Features:

  • Potent and Unique: Bromazolam boasts a distinctive chemical structure that sets it apart in the benzodiazepine family.
  • Research Potential: Scientists and enthusiasts are intrigued by its sedative and anxiolytic properties, exploring various research avenues.
  • Cautious Dosage: When used for research, start low and go slow with Bromazolam to ensure safety and accuracy.
Discover the exciting world of Bromazolam today! This like all the products from EU RC are shipped on Tuesday by express mail without tracking number, to European countries ONLY.]]> 0
AVANAFIL UE Lun, 25 Sep 2023 04:54:40 +0000 This like all the products from EU RC are shipped on Tuesday by express mail without tracking number,
to European countries ONLY.]]> 0